Our solutions

At Stallwart

we offer a comfortable solution by guaranteeing a single point of contact to handle your requests at any time. all your questions for your project will be answered by us

Our Range of Solutions

Stallwart offers a comfortable solution to its clients by guaranteeing them a single point of contact to handle their requests at all times. Need help with your coffee maker? Stuck on how to operate your waffle maker? Need a new set of pots and pans – all your questions answered in one place.

Analyzing Your Needs

Firstly, our teams proceed to the analysis of your needs, taking all your objectives and goals into consideration. A deep analysis of your requirements is crucial to ensure you get all the right products.

Designing The Plans

Our team of experts will draw up the initial plans for your kitchen. These will be based on the size of your establishment and the equipment recommended for your kitchen’s concept. These will help you optimize your resources and better outlook on your equipment needs!

Installing Your Equipment

Once all your plans are authorized, our teams will proceed with equipment installation at your establishment. So sit tight, and wait for your dream kitchen to come to life. We will ensure that all the installation complies with international standards and norms.


Nos experts assureront l’installation de vos équipements en respectant les normes et les standards internationaux et en s’assurant de leur bonne mise en marche

After-Sales Maintenance

Our after-sales services are always available for all our customers. We guarantee the longevity of your equipment and are ready to intervene in case of malfunction. Just call us if you face any issues.